How to increase potency with folk remedies

If you want to increase your potency, you can use specialized medicines that are available at or folk remedies. The ideal is to combine these options, which will help you get the best results. In this article, we will tell you about several recipes that will help restore healthy potency at any age.

Recipe 1       

Greens are the first natural product that you should pay attention to when you have a problem. And here we should separately mention parsley, because even frozen parsley retains its properties up to one year. This plant normalizes the reproductive system in men, affecting the hormonal background. Spinach affects blood flow in the body, preventing congestion. Onions are responsible for the release of testosterone, increasing sexual activity. Including these natural gifts in your diet, you can avoid problems with male weakness. Add them fresh to any dishes.

Recipe 2       

A mixture of dried fruits with nuts, which includes in equal proportions raisins, seedless prunes, figs and walnut kernels. Thoroughly crush the listed ingredients, add honey to taste and mix well. Take at lunch time after a meal. Porridge, cooked cold, tasty and fragrant, will be a real treasure trove of useful substances, positively affecting the male potency. A successful addition to the dish can be sour milk, jam – they are a good way to wash down a slightly viscous composition.

Recipe 3       

Decoction of St. John’s wort, prepared from the flowers of the plant, will improve blood circulation, having a positive effect on the blood supply of the pelvic organs. To obtain the desired concentration of the solution, you need to take 100 grams of the flowers of the plant, drop it into boiling water of three hundred milliliters and tome on low heat for 10 minutes. Allow to infuse for a day. Take 50 grams in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. In addition to increasing potency and libido, taking will improve vision, memory, skin, as St. John’s wort beneficial effect on blood microcirculation in the body. With caution take those who are prone to high blood pressure.

Recipe 4

Pumpkin is a real find for men. Its seeds are good for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, serve to produce testosterone, prevent hair loss. From them cook a special meal, grinding the raw seeds into a thick pulp, adding honey in a ratio of 1:1. It is in combination with a product of bee-farming action of the seeds enhanced. Take traditionally, three times a day by the tablespoon. Oil from the melon plant perfectly raises the potency, increases libido, prevents genitourinary diseases of the stronger half of mankind. In general, pumpkin speeds up metabolic processes, getting rid of excess weight, promotes the release of endorphin (happiness hormone), acts as an antioxidant.

If you want to get a quick effect, you should take a closer look at specialized medicines and buy them at This will help you to increase your erection shortly before intercourse and keep it at a high level for a long time.